The Pastoral Council is constituted as a consultative body to advise the Pastor on matters related to the Parish, and as a forum to discuss, recommend, and review programs and activities, that build Christian Community within the Parish. Specifically, the purpose and function of the Pastoral Council is:
To assist the pastoral staff to identify, study, and respond to the pastoral needs of the Parish and local community in an effective manner;
To provide a forum for communication between the pastoral staff and members of the parish so that all the faithful in Holy Rosary Parish may bear witness to Christ;
To recommend the implementation of programs and activities which will be of spiritual, educational and social benefit to the members of the parish community;
To review regularly the pastoral activities and evaluate their effectiveness in building the Christian Community within Holy Rosary Parish.
The council is comprised of the following members: Pastor, Pastoral Minister, and representatives from the Finance Council, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women’s League and St. Vincent de Paul Society; and 3 members appointed by the Pastor among Parishioners. Regular meetings of the Council take place three times a year. Parishioners may attend the regular meetings as observers and with 2 weeks written notice may make a presentation to council.