WHO WE ARE? We are part of a National Organization of Catholic women of all ages in parishes across the Diocese, province and country. Anyone who is 16 years of age or older is welcome to join us.
WHAT ARE WE ABOUT? The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in Gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. We are about growing in our faith, preserving the ideals of Christian and family love and working for justice for all members of our society.
WHAT DO WE DO? Yes, we do hold bake sales and bazaars, card parties and fashion shows. Through these activities we help to financially support our parish and our chosen charities, and, at the same time, practice the hospitality that is the mark of a Christian. But we are not just a social club!
WE PRAY TOGETHER. At every meeting and at retreats we pray together. Also, through our paid memberships to our national organization and Resolution initiative at each level, we add our voices and “clout” to those of hundreds of thousands of our sisters across the country to lobby governments on such issues as native rights, protection for the unborn, stiffer anti-pornography laws, pay equity, and advocacy for the environment, immigration policy and Development & Peace.
WE SUPPORT seminarians and missionaries by our financial assistance and by our prayers.
WE UPHOLD THE IDEALS OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION and monitor their implementation in our schools. We participate in Ecumenical dialogue and are affiliated with Catholic Women’s Organizations around the world.
WE ACTIVELY FOSTER personal growth by encouraging participation at the executive levels of each council and providing leadership training.
WHEN DO WE MEET? We usually meet as a Council every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Centre. Check the bulletin for updates. We have guest speakers and presentations throughout the year.
We welcome each and every woman to join us here at Holy Rosary Council Of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact President Barb MacIsaac, e-mail bmacisaac@hotmail.com or telephone 905-335-3914.